



Crystal Server - Balmung

This character has dark themes. Proceed at your own discretion.

To scales we gladly go.

The Details

Backstory (WIP)

Before Death

After Life

Eden Cirrus is a student, and occasional gleaner, at the Sharlayan Studium. She is also an explorer and a frequent club patron. She is also a gilionaire heiress to a worldwide trading corporation. She is the daughter of Lucille Crendraven, Archon.Raised by her grandfather since her young teenage years, he went missing when she was barely 18. Since then, she has experienced one emotional adventure after another, molding her into a hardened explorer and force to be reckoned with.Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 141pz
Hair: Dirty blond with highlights
Eyes: Blue
Race: Hume
Homeland: Dampsole
Current Home: Sharlayan
Distinguishing characteristics:- Eyes like burning aetheryte crystal.


• Science
• Dancing
• Sharlayan
• Ul'dah


• Technology
• Fashion
• Her friends
• Strong Coffee


• Overly-emotional reactions
• Lazy people
• Messy, dirty people
• Touch


• Promiscuity
• Illegal magic
• Cramped, dark places
• Sin-eaters

Dampsole.A decrepit abandoned fishing village in Lakeland. The only place she had ever knew, since that day. Her father, the drunken fool that he was, found a shack there after his habits lost the apartment. It was near enough to the Umbrite mines where he used to work, and it blocked that infernal light. Eden stood on the docks, her fishing pole leaning against a post, and looked into the distance at the spire on the horizon. It was so beautiful, bright - she had no idea what it was. But it wasn't here, with him. Some day, when she was big enough, she'd leave and go there. She imagined it was paradise; beautiful people singing and dancing, delicious food, places to learn and study. Here, all she had was an old book that preached about the 'Eaters and how their forgiveness was her only hope for salvation."EDEN!""Get the fuck in here, you lazy cont, and fix me somethin' to eat. You better 'ave caught sumthin! Wicked white, you lazy shite."Eden looked back at the shack. She picked up her bucket of fish."On my way, dad."

Stand tall..."Mom!?"Eden awoke with a start, sitting up and clutching her chest. Sweat trickled down her temples. She looked around the room. Penetrating everlasting light pressed against the boards that had been nailed to her windows, and cast patterns of light on the floor. "Pokey," her stuffed micro 'tender, had toppled to the floor. Eden took great comfort in having him around to protect her from superficial threats such as monsters and Sin Eaters, as well as real ones, like her father.He had fallen deeper and deeper into despair since her mother was lost giving birth to her. First he lost his job at the mines. The loss of his sobriety - and then his sanity - followed. He blamed Eden more and more for everything that had gone wrong in his life. When Eden started talking about her mother reaching out to her in dreams, that was the last he could take.The abuse started early.Eden reached down and gathered Pokey into her arms. She gave him a squeeze."Mom? Can - can you hear me?""I can."Her eyes widened. She squeezed her tender even tighter. She'd been speaking to her 'mom' for a couple of years now - she was certain she was real. It couldn't be a figment of her imagination. It couldn't be. The world was a magical place - if you let it be."Hi, mommy. Where are you?""I'm in another place, far away. A Source - a place your world is reflection of. A place you do not belong.""I want to go where you are," Eden said. "I'm tired.""You're very smart, Eden. We're going to work together, okay? I'm building you a way home. We're going to do this together, but I need you to help me. It's very draining for mommy to talk to you - so I need you to act on your own.""Go to the spire.""I will, I will. I promise. Please mom...""Mom?"The voice had faded.

Some weeks later, a miracle happened: Inexplicably, the sky had gone dark. Everyone had been swept up in the chaos. Now was the time: She could sneak quietly in the cover of night to that spire in the distance. She was prepared.Eden stuffed some necessities into a backpack she had crafted. Her right eye was black and blue, but she didn't care about that. Her mother said she had to go to the biggest library she could find. She had to find help, and she had to research trans-dimensional portals (it took her several minutes to learn to pronounce it.) Dried meats (mostly fish) was pressed into the pockets. A canteen of water was slung over her shoulder. Finally, she lifted up Pokey the Gigantender Guardian. His stalks flopped in various directions."Alright, Pokey. It's time to be brave. I know there's monsters out there, and bad people. But there's less Sin Eaters now, and we can travel in the dark." She stuffed him into the bag, but left his head (or at least the stalks) poking from the top to watch her back.The only thing left was her father's rifle and jacket. It was leaning against the wall next to the decrepit couch he had fallen unconscious.The took the rifle.

A few days later...Eden's eyes widened as she was overwhelmed by the oppressive sight of thousands upon thousands of tomes, stacked on shelves as far as she could see. The Crystarium was everything - EVERYTHING she thought it would be. It was beautiful, clean, people were respectful for the most part. She wandered through the streets, trying not to bump into anyone with her little 'Tender plushie and her backpack and her dried fish meats. She had arrived at the biggest (and first) library she had ever seen. Her jaw nearly hit the floor, and her eyes were as wide as dinner plates."Whoah."But that was nothing. Nothing compared to her face when she saw a 7 fulm lion man with blue skin wander up to her."Whoah indeed," he said.That spoke."This is the Cabinet of Curiosity: The greatest collection of information anywhere on Novrandt. You'll find what you are looking for he-"He looked at the jittery young person, who was staring at him like he was from another universe."You're a giant talking lion man," she stammered. "Are you a Sin Eater?"The massive Hrothgar adjusted his spectacles with a massive hand. He snorted."No. I am Mecek. And you're a little girl with a military jacket that probably belongs to your father. Where is he?"Eden bit her lip.

A week later..."Child, can you read?"Eden looked up to him and nodded, to his great relief. It was one less obstacle they'd have to face."Yes. My mom taught me. She taught me lots of things."The Hrothgar took a step forward, but then looked back at her. He adjusted his specially-made golden spectacles. His tail whipped."I thought you said you didn't have parents?"Eden's bushy eyebrows lifted in slight panic as she was accused of lying. She waved her hands frantically."Oh. Yes. No. I don't. But it's different. This is my real mom."Mecek snorted unhappily. His voice had a way of rumbling the floorboards when he was upset."Where is your real mother?""In a different dimension! A place called the Source. She told me about it. This is why we have to research - so I can find her. She told me to go to the giant spire and look for help. She said someone kind would help. There are lots of nice people here."She elbowed him with a wink."People like you!"He lowered his gaze and shoulders, as if he was crushed under the weight of this child's optimistic hopes and dreams."Right."

One year laterA toy robot was on a table in the Crystalline Mean. A tiny little thing made of stonegold plating, it stood about a fulm tall. Delicate wires ran in between its arms and legs, and a sparkling red ruby was right in the middle of its chest. A curious teenager was watching it, eyes alight with wonder. In her hands was a remote control. She'd been living in the Crystarium hotel, paid for by her new researcher friend Mecek for a few moons, now."Okay girl, just like the book said. Annnnnd - action!"She pressed one of three buttons on the remote control.The mammet sprang to life and did a little spin. It clanged its tiny hand against its tiny featureless head in a salute and even spoke to her from a little speaker in its neck."He-LLo EE-eDe
"I am SAL-Ly".Eden squealed with delight and did a little dance of her own.
That was when her linkpearl chimed.
"Eden."It was Mecek."I have learned something that is going to help you. If you could come to the Cabinet, please?"She nodded. Everything was working out as her mom said it would."On my way!"She powered down Sally and carefully put her in her pocket before taking off.

Eden raced through the streets of the Crystarium, elbowing and shouldering her way through the crowds of people. SALLY was on her belt, and was powered down. There was an enormous amount of people there that crisp, cool evening, hundreds, even thousands turning out to enjoy the night sky.This was it. Mecek had found the way, all she had to do was send a signal to her mom, like she was told. Easy.It all was easy, until a firm hand grabbed her collar with vicious intention, stopping her in her tracks and throwing SALLY tumbling and turning down the long stairway that led to the Cabinet. She was pulled so hard she choked. She was choked so hard she couldn't scream. It was a perfect place, right behind one of the Crystarium's many winding walls."There you bloody are."Her father had found her.He jerked her around as she was suspended in the air. She kicked at him and tried to bite his arm."Oh, you're feisty now. You won't be when we get home. I've really grown tired of your shite, you lit'l twat. Do you have any idea how long it took to find you?"SALLY could only watch the man disappear with her, without the power or the ability to do a thing.

Mecek waited for a good bell or two for her. The theory was complete. The Crystalline tower itself would be their "antenna". It would work. If her mother was whom Eden said she was."Where is that child..."He grumbled as he again attempted to link her."Did you stop for some caramels again?"His tail swished."Eden?"The lion sat back in his chair, and it creaked under his weight.

I roleplay dark and dramatic adult themes within reason (keep the bullshit out - you know what that is - anything beyond consensual acts.)I am a role-player that has been in the game for a long time. My barriers are just beyond my nose as far as OOC exposure goes. I am not interested in speaking about my real life, what I do outside of work (Technical Writer), and my family.I am here to escape and enter a fantasy world, not hear about your real-life or share mine.I am as strict to lore as my knowledge of the game allows me to be, and I do not appreciate "silly" characters. I have outlandish plots, but they do my very best to make them lore-compliant as a foundation.If I could "method roleplay" I would, that is, never coming OOC, but I find that is not compatible with many people here, so I do my best to minimize it. I do not raid difficult content, I do not play other games, and I will not VC. I do, however, role-play both in-game and on Discord, and I prefer Discord for heavy plots.TL;DR - I don't care who you are and I don't want you to care who I am.Now, let's have a pleasant role-playing experience.

Mecek walked up the stairway leading from the Cabinet to the Aetheryte plaza. He got about halfway, checking each face as he did, before he saw it laying there on the ground.SALLY, Eden's little invention was there, abandoned and forgotten, unnoticed by the hundreds of passers-by. Fear gripped his old heart as be knelt down to pick her up. Her head arms and legs hung lifelessly.A low, unhappy grumble resonated in his throat.---He had looked everywhere. In every district of the Crystarium and the surrounding area of Lakeland (as far as he could travel safely.)
He asked anyone he could find that had been out of town.
No sign. No sign whatsoever.His entire life had been nothing but learning, sitting in a library. It was the purpose of life itself - to learn and understand what it means to live. That is, until he met Eden. The seemingly random teenager full of energy and life and optimism who ran right up to him, of the thousands of people in the Crystarium. Her young but gifted mind going on and on about other worlds and places he'd never heard of.Two weeks passed.The massive Hrothgar had never had a reason to cry before, really. That's probably why he found a far away corner of the city to remove his glasses and do so.

Three weeks laterEden stomped through the shallow waters of the Forest of the Lost Shepherd. Her head hung low, and her eyes were cast downward. Her father's gunblade was in her hand, and its tip had drug a trail for quite some distance as she drug it. She was beaten and bruised, and her lip was bleeding.But he was dead.It was a mistake - the trigger pulled, the gunblade going off, the way the bullet severed an artery in his neck. The way his blood fountained from it, and sprayed in a red arc on the wall. The way he grasped it as he fell backward with hateful madness in his eyes. The way she fell backward, staring at him as he choked on his tongue and died there and then, staring at her even after his last breath was taken - an image that would haunt her forever. She had lost any love she had for him many years ago. There was nothing.Eden wandered into one of the many abandoned shacks that dotted the forest. The brilliant spire of the Crystarium was once again on the horizon, but she would make it back. She had to. But for now, she was exhausted, and she had no treats this time nor was Pokey guarding her. The gunblade on her back was unstrapped and it clattered to the floor. She collapsed against a wall and sobbed.

Eden was huddled in the corner of that old shack, convulsing and in shock from the horrendous experience. Her eyes stared straight ahead, and sleep refused to come, even though she had not experienced its embrace in many days. Her head rested in her hands.It's almost over."Mom?" she uttered.We're coming. Let's get some rest, okay?"I'm scared."I know."You're real, right?"Lucille had to pause.Oh, my darling. My sweet child. I am as real as your hand before you. You will know. The world will know.She nodded and sniffled some snot.You want to see Pokey and SALLY and Mecek again, right?"Yeah."Then you must stand tall. You close your eyes and think of your friends, and I will sing you a little something to allow you to rest.The gunpowder from the discharged shot was still etched on the blade. She took her focus from that and closed her eyes.

Eden felt a hand on her head, but nobody was there. She drifted off to a merciful sleep."Stand tall."

Chapter 4 coming soon

May you find firelightEden's lungs surged to life. She jerked her body up as her eyes went wide, her body pulling several monitoring wires free. A member of her mother's medical staff ran over to her and placed a kind, guiding hand on her shoulder."Careful, careful dear. Breathe, just breathe," she said. Eden did as she was asked, trying, desperately trying to get air. To comprehend her surroundings. To her, the room was on fire. The sheets, the walls, the heavy drapes, trays and desks. She screamed as the flames licked her skin, she thrashed and tried to get out of the nurse's grip."Calm down, Eden! It's okay! You're awake!"Eden could only scream. Her eyes were shining so brightly, the floor she stared at was alight."The room! It's on fire! We have to run!"More thrashing and screaming. The nurse held her firm in her strong Roegadyn grip until she collapsed. Eden stared at the floor. She then felt a coldness as the flames subsided, an icy injection in her veins that left her shivering, alone and afraid.

Stage 2 Coming Soon